Press & Media

For journalists, bloggers, and media partners. Here you will find all relevant information about Super Chill, including press releases, media materials, and background information. Would you like to request an interview or have any questions? Feel free to contact us!
The story

Super Chill

In a world where children are exposed to more and more stimuli, Super Chill offers a way to find peace and balance. Our mission? To give 10 million children across Europe a healthy and positive mindset! Many children have busy lives filled with school, sports, and social activities. Super Chill helps them through playful exercises that teach them how to relax, focus, and better handle sensory input.

Super Chill is ontworpen voor kinderen op de basisschool vanaf 6 jaar en biedt laagdrempelige oefeningen waarmee ze werken aan een fris en rustig koppie. De oefeningen zijn gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderbouwde methodes en helpen kinderen om stress te verminderen, zich beter te concentreren en hun emoties te reguleren. Dit alles op een speelse manier, zonder dat ze uren stil hoeven te zitten.

Super Chill is designed for children aged 6 and up and offers accessible exercises that help them develop their mental superpowers. These exercises are based on scientifically proven methods and help children reduce stress, improve concentration, and regulate their emotions—all in a playful way, without requiring them to sit still for hours.

Our exercises combine relaxation, breathing techniques, and movement to strengthen mental resilience in an approachable way. Children learn how to control their attention, calm down after a busy day, and better understand their own feelings. And the best part? After a while, they won’t even need the app anymore because they’ll be Super Chill experts themselves!

Super Chill is completely free, without ads or hidden costs, allowing children to explore how to better manage emotions and sensory input in a safe environment. Super Chill is available across multiple platforms: The app can be found in the app stores, and the exercises can be listened to on YouTube and Spotify – all in Dutch, German, and English. Thanks to partnerships with organizations such as Rituals, Super Chill is accessible to anyone looking to help children grow with a fresh and calm mindset.


De kern

Snelle feiten

Founded: 2020
Managing Director: Geert Pelsma
Board: Niki Schilling, Lars Kappen, Levi van Dam en Alfred Levi
Available on: iOS, Android, Spotify, YouTube
Available in: English, Dutch & German
Sponsor: Rituals Cosmetics

Press contact

Press and media requests

For inquiries, interviews, or media requests, you can contact Michaela Krause.

Press Kits & Materials

View the key background information & press materials:


Social Media & Additional Information


Press Releases

Find our latest press releases here. And here you can find the Dutch press releases.

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