Super chill: a
fresh and calm



The app is absolutely free of charge and advertising. We've designed it so that both grown-ups and children can understand it.


The Super Chill app is competely safe to use and your privacy is guaranteed. We promise!

From The Swing to The Lion King: transform every moment into a Super Chill adventure!



Calming down

Calmer calmest

Sometimes the only thing you need is to just close your eyes for a moment and presto, you'll feel waves of calm flowing over you. We'll explore how a few simple tricks and breathing exercises can change the noise in your head into a quiet little river.

Learn more about calming down Link opens in a new tab
Little routines


These little routines will help to give you a more fresh and calm head. These exercises will give you amazing superpowers that you can use to stand strong on your own two feet, or even to walk on barefeet.

Learn more about the little routines Link opens in a new tab


These exercises will help you both to discover how you can tackle every day with confidence and a smile. Discover all the simple and fun Super Chill exercises now.

More about exercise Link opens in a new tab
Stay focussed

Full attention

Discover how you can pay more attention to the thing you're doing, whatever it is. The exercises are loosely based on mindfulness, or staying focussed, so that you can improve your super focus.

More about staying focussed Link opens in a new tab


Emma, 9 years old

It made me feel calm really fast and that was Super Chill!

Max, 8 years old

If I get angry, for example, I can do this.

Jax, 9 years old

I feel good, calm, and relaxed!

Mila, 7 years old

Now I can do this before I go to bed!

Pippa, 8 years old

Mummy, when I have to get my shot tomorrow, will we have time beforehand to do some Super Chill exercises? Last night in bed, I held on to my thumb the whole time. I didn't believe it would work, but it did work.

the free app

Discover the world of Super Chill! Start your journey right away with refreshing and calming exercises designed especially for kids. The sooner you download the app, the sooner you can get started (and yes, we mean this in the most stress-free way possible).